Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Little Update

The Just thought I would give a little update on all of us.
Stella girl is now 10 months old and so fun. She can say a few words like "Dada" and "Mama" and "Uh oh" and "Oh Wow!" and then the normal gibberish.  She is telling really good stories, just with we understood them.  She can wave (which is the cutest thing in the world) and does it with both hands right in front of her face. Also she gives kisses!  Everything she does is cute haha Last month she started to stand a little bit and then last week she took her first steps!!!  She only takes a few and then sits down usually.  But we have gotten her to take quite a few across the room.  Guess I need to get ready to be chasing her all over the place soon.  She loves her brother so much. Loves it when he will play with her. Even if he hurts her, within 30 seconds she is laughing at him again. She hates baby food and will only eat what we are eating. Usually I don't feed her fast enough so I just put the food on her tray and she will gobble it up, getting it all over herself.  She loves making noise and pulling her clips and ponytails out of her hair. She has switched to formula and is now sleeping through the night! Woohoo! She loves to shake her head and do things she knows she's not suppose. When we tell her to stop she just looks at us, gives us her adorable little smile and keeps doing it. She is also obsessed with anything little like babies...her new cousin Cole needs a fence around him to protect him from her potential squeezes. She is so dang cute! We just love her so much. 
(She was mad because we took dirt out of her mouth...)
This boy is growin up so fast. I think when you spend all day every day with your kids you don't realize it. Nick's sister lives in Cedar City and so she doesn't see us as much as we would like but she was up a bit ago. We were just sitting around at Nick's parents house and Zane went up to see the goldfish in McKynlee's room. Well the goldfish had died so he came walking down the stairs, all big boy like, and says "Mom, the goldfish isn't there." Well this caught Chellcee off guard and she kind of got teary and goes "he is just so big!" And it's true! He is so grown up. He is talking so well. And he will tell you all kinds of things. He loves to play outside. He loves school and his friends there. He's really good at making up words to songs which usually includes something about Santa Claus. It's especially funny at church. He is OBSESSED with carrots. I have to limit him to one a day. We noticed the bottom of his feet started getting a tinge orange ha. He took swimming lessons and did really well. I think we are coming out of the two year phase and more into the whiney three year old stage. He is really good at fake crying and pointing out Stella's fake cry (even when it isn't fake). His favorite phrases are "oh my  josh!" And "yes sir" (complete with a salute). Oh and we still aren't potty trained. We have definitely had our hard days full of timeouts and tears but in the end of the day, I sure do love this boy and he can always make me smile. He is so funny and loving. 

I have been working on our garden a lot lately. Getting ready to plant soon. So that's fun. I have also done a few video projects.  Like I said before I have been loving doing videography!  Nick has noticed it too.  He says that he can see how happy I am and loves that I am doing something that I love.  Other then that I just hang out with the kids which I love!

This guy has been working as always. He had a good spring break full of outside projects. But the most exciting news is that he got into the Master's ofArchitecture program at the University of Utah!!! We are so relieved and excited. He has definitely earned it. He graduates next week and then we have two more years till we are done! He is looking forward to his summer break and we are hoping to do some fun things on top of working. He loves being home with us and playing.

So I have discovered that I am not a pet person right now it this phase of my life haha  The ducks are gone.  We had them for seven weeks and then decided to give them to another family.  They were outside and I would stress over them being cold or eaten or something and yet I didn't care about them enough to bring them inside {they stink so bad} and so I thought it would be better for them to just go to a new home that can handle animals better.  They went to a farm with other ducks and chickens and horses and a happy owner.  It was fun while they were little and cute...then not so much ha  I don't think I ever told the story of our cat...We adopted a cat a bit ago, like in October, and we had to keep him inside for a bit to get him use to living here.  So I did that and it killed me {again, not a pet inside type of person} and so then he finally got to go outside.  I took him to the vet to get his shots and then the next day he ran away........ So we are done with pets for a bit ha Lesson learned.

So that is what we are up to. We are all loving the warm weather so we can be outside more. Life is good :)  Sorry there are no pictures...I will get some up soon.

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