Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Nick's Graduation

This past Friday, Nick GRADUATED!!  Although he is not done yet, this was still a big step to get to and now we have two more years till we are done completely!  I don't think people really understand how hard the architecture program is...I never did till my husband became a student.  It's hard work you guys.  I have said that it is as much work as a doctorate but you don't get a PhD and I guessing when I say that people who do have the doctorate or been a spouse to one of those are rolling their eyes saying "yeah right" but seriously...this degree is a tough one.  Nick starts pulling all nighters about four weeks into the semester.  And those all nighters continue through the entire semester.  And if he isn't pulling an all nighter he is leaving at 3:00 in the morning often times and not getting home till 9:00 or later.   When they have assignments, they can't do them at home because they need the shop with the laser cutter or power tools to build models and plotters to print off their presentation boards.  They study for the tests some time in the midst of all those projects and write the papers as well.  Architecture is hard and very time consuming.  So getting through these past two years is a major accomplishment and I am so proud of all his hard work.
Utah Ute Graduate
These guys have too much fun...I think they secretly like the all nighters
University of Utah College of Architecture
Love this guy
The Family
He is just too cute
Two more years to go!


  1. So exciting for you guys! I believe you! I used to feel that way about Mike's Landscape Architecture program. I feel that no program should require so many all-nighters! I felt that Mike slept on campus way too much, especially since we lived down the street from school. Way to go- onward and upward!

  2. So exciting for you guys! I believe you! I used to feel that way about Mike's Landscape Architecture program. I feel that no program should require so many all-nighters! I felt that Mike slept on campus way too much, especially since we lived down the street from school. Way to go- onward and upward!
